Saturday, October 27, 2007

This is Mrs. Fee, Addy's fourth grade teacher.

In Mrs. Gall's class room,( fourth grade) Addy and I where looking at her fish.

This is Mr. Hoover, one of the Elementary principals.


cj and ubee said...

Gee how exciting, getting to go to a brand new school. Do you girls just walk down the hill to school?

I am thinking this is K through 5
so Addy will go there for 3 years and Zoe for 2? Does it have a nice auditorium for your Christmas programs?
Love AC

cj and ubee said...

Hey, you kids are growing up too fast ! I just realized that Addy is in the 4th grade and you are in the 5th already !
I guess you will only get to go there for 1 year.
Love AC

Bill said... about some new pictures!