Saturday, October 27, 2007

These are my teachers, Mrs. Rocky (left) and Mrs. Anderson.(Right)

Our principal, Mrs. Crum.


cj and ubee said...

Oh didn't get sent to the Principal's office already did you?

That brick wall mural certainly is nice. Is that inside on a wall or out front?

Seeing the picture of you on the basketball court reminds me, are you playing again this year?

Love AC

Megan Hofacker said...

Great pics Zoe. Wow I can't believe Mrs. Anderson is still there. Seth had her as a teacher. I'm so glad you girls get to be the first to be in the new school. Can't wait to see you next mo. and ck. it out myself!

sam-a-lama-ding-dong said...

I'm so sorry that I've forgotten to leave a comment!

So, here it is:
"a comment"

There it is!

Ok, ok, We love it when you post to your blog, ladies.
It keeps us informed of what's going on in your exciting lives!
Unlike your parents who don't do as well as you at communicating through the blogging medium!

That new school is amazing!
We used to load our lockers with photos and clippings from our favorite magazines, and such.
I have a fun idea!
How bout a locker decorating contest? You girls decorate your lockers to the hilt (and include your friends if you wish) and France will judge in these categories:
1. Conveys an ecological message
2. Most likely to increase your friends interest in recycling
3. Highest use of recycled and recyclable materials
4. Most interesting
5. Most (physical) area covered

The judging will happen when the French side of the family is in town!

Let me know what you think!